
The Grunigen Medical Library, established in 1983, is dedicated to supporting UCI’s mission to discover, teach and heal - advancing health worldwide. The Library serves the educational, research and clinical needs of health professionals, students and researchers at the UCI Irvine Medical Center and College of Health Sciences. Housed in the Forest J. Grunigen M.D. Library and Medical Education Center at the UC Irvine Medical Center, the Grunigen Medical Library is a member library of the Network of the National Library of Medicine through the Regional Medical Libraries.

Originally called the “UC Irvine Medical Center Library”, in 2001, it was renamed the Forest J. Grunigen Medical Library in honor of Dr. Grunigen's work as a School of Medicine alumnus, supporter and friend. He also played an important role in the merger and unification of the osteopathic and allopathic professions in California.

The Grunigen Medical Library’s collections and services support the discovery of new medical frontiers, advances the teaching of future healers, and provides foundational information resources for evidence-based care. Its online research resources and physical spaces have been developed to support UCI’s medical research and instruction--see the Grunigen Medical Library’s Core Resources page. The library's emphasis is on providing material at the point of need. As a result, the collection includes thousands of electronic journals, electronic books, and databases. For more information, contact our expert library staff.

Grunigen Medical Library exterior